
Beyond Blue follows Never Alone in blending games and education, this time with BBC backing - crossbobre1995

For quaternary years I've waited for a spiritual heir to Never Solitary. Part game, percentage documental, E-Line Media and Top One Games managed to adapt traditional Inupiaq folklore into an accessible platformer while educating players near the culture in motion. Information technology was flawed, but beautiful and memorable.

Memorable enough, I dead reckoning, that the BBC got in touch and asked E-Line to ut it again. At Gamescom this week I got to get a load at Beyond Blue, a spiritual heir to Ne'er Alone and a companion pick to the BBC documentary Blue Satellite 2.

Under the sea

As you might expect from the Blue Major planet 2 sexual unio, On the far side Gentle takes you deep subordinate the ocean. You play as a diver and scientist, Maira, exploring the South China Shipboard. The game was announced back at E3 with a short teaser trailer, which you give the axe watch over below:

Very Blueish Planet, right?

The game's a bit to a lesser extent so. Corresponding Never Alone, Beyond Blue devil attempts to pair the educational aspects with a fictionalized story. Taking place 10 to 15 old age in the future, technological advances allow humanity to chart more of the ocean than we can nowadays, and Maira's part of that effort.

E-Line's keeping quiet about the particulars, but I was told that the story starts with an explosion of life. There's a hotbed of new ecological bodily process in the South China Sea, and Maira's sent to investigate. We only played a lonesome level, early in the game, and that meant repairing an underwater surveillance scheme and then calculation out why a sperm giant's location tag lay dormant happening the ocean floor.

Beyond Blue E-Occupation Media

It's simple, or at least this early plane section was. I wouldn't be surprised if that continued end-to-end the game, though—E-Line's making an educational experience, not Grave Raider. You can't give way, for instance, and I didn't see any resource management or anything of that nature. Maira just swims around, taking in the scene.

And there's a lot of scenery. Beyond Blue's not as immediately exciting as Never Alone was, with its gorgeous aurora borealis and blizzards. It's the ocean, and the ocean's been cooked before—in TheBlu for instance, and Abzu. We've also had breathtaking alien seas this class, courtesy of Subnautica.

Still, it's a rested place. Sharks swim lazily through narrowed canyons, octopuses fleet from their camouflaged concealment spaces, sea turtles Chow dynasty down on supernatural forests of jellyfish. In that respect are no clock constraints on levels, and you're welcome to swim around and upright probe creatures in their biological habitats. E-Line has a man of science embedded with the development team up, and I gather a lot of attending's being paid to how animals behave.

Beyond Blue E-Line Media

Maira's presence even affects those deportment patterns, which plays into some stuff E-Line talked about but didn't indicate. Maira's great for tasks that require a humanlike presence, like fixing the surveillance buoy up. Underwater drones go on faster though, and can also tag fish, sharks, and other creatures. This is expedient for tracking certain animals, sure, but it also so opens a third possibility: You send away seize control of the animals directly. Sure, information technology's a computer game self-love, but it then allows you to observe unbleached behaviors, without a human or radio-controlled aircraft comportment.

It's an interesting idea, though as I said none of this was immediate in our present. We played as Maira the entire time, who also has a few tricks of her own. She can bathe fish in UV light for example, illuminating characteristic grade insignia and other attributes that are otherwise invisible to the human eye. She can also scan and catalog animals, one of these days liberal them name calling and recognizing them if they appear again.

There are a set of interesting ideas here, very some of which sound like a conventional "game," and nevertheless I'm curious to find how information technology every last meshes together, and if that rather rambling exploration feels rewarded. Regardless, eager players stool also float straight for the main objectives. In the case of our demo, that meant finding first the discarded sperm cell whale tracker, and so gallery towards an expanse of known Physeter catodon activity—just in time to run into a intact pod swim prehistoric.

Beyond Blue E-Line Media

And so the ominous finish, as a younger sperm heavyweight swam past and Maira noted all the scars on its body.

That's what I'm well-nig curious nearly, really. With the oceans threatened by a telephone number of different factors nowadays, I'm questioning which ones E-Line chooses to face up. Climate change, ocean acidity and temperature, overfishing, befoulment—there's a lot of material. For its part, E-Line would only enounce that these sorts of themes will be explored, though IT wouldn't tell ME any taxonomic category topics. Because it takes place about a decade in the future, I was also told this hypothetical humanity might have made progress happening foreordained challenges we facial expressio today, while new challenges cropped up.

The story also sounds a bit more complicated than Ne'er Alone, with E-Line stating that Maira would make decisions on how to handle roughly of these challenges, possibly upsetting political, corporate, or environmentalist interests in the process. Once again, no of that was happening display nowadays, so we'll see how information technology pans out.

Bottom railway line

I'm intrigued. Beyond Blue is set to release in early 2019, and while I'm not sure it has the proximate attention-getting collection of Never Unaccompanied, I still think E-Line of products is doing both of the most interesting work in the learning blank space. You couldn't really ask for a more honored partner than the BBC either, at least when it comes to nature documentaries. Never Alone's style of interspersing documentary "breaks" into the game will return in Beyond Sexy, too. E-Stemma tells me that some footage will come from Blue Planet 2, other footage from their own workplace, all with the goal of respondent the question, "what's the part of a scientist?"

Ambitious, to say the least.


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