
Razer modular desk concept looks like a massive gaming laptop with legs. And I've got to have it | PC Gamer - crossbobre1995

Razer's modular desk concept looks like a massive gambling laptop computer with legs. And I've got to have it

Razer Project Sophia gaming desk concept
(Image mention: Razer)

Well, this is more like information technology: a CES 2022 concept design that's relatively fresh and delightfully ridiculous. I give you Razer's Project Sophia, a modular gaming desk construct that promises to embody "the play battlestation of the later" that still someways feels same a giant laptop computer.

The elementary idea is a gaming desk with a glass top, nether which you can slot in thirteen separate modules to really personalise your setup. These modules range from organisation monitoring gubbins, secondary, Tertiary, and maybe symmetrical quandary screens, pen tablets, operating theatre a transfuse warmer.

If I want a transfuse of afternoon tea unbroken warm, I simply balance information technology along the GeForce RTX 3090 built into my desk. That does the job, simply doesn't corresponding a spill. So maybe a glaze-topped warmer is a better option. Thanks, Razer.

Project Sophia promises screen background performance in a desk, though the actual computing module looks very much like it might be using mobile components—it looks every minute like somebody ripped the PCB come out of the closet of a Blade laptop and slapped it under a coffee table.

Straightaway, there's a homebrew project I could get behind.

The claim of background performance still stands, even so, as modern mobile GPUs and CPUs are thusly come together to their larger cousins that they're able to deliver a ultimate amount of gaming grunt. As we've seen from the in style hardware that AMD, Nvidia, and Intel have announced already this year for play laptops approach in the next fewer months.

The slim design, enabled by the use of such components, makes the Project Sophia desk look pretty damned slick. And, naturally IT's Chroma RGB enabled with a spacious lightband circling the screen background itself.

Razer Project Sophia gaming desk concept

(Image credit: Razer)

But the main allure of Razer's concept excogitation is its modularity, the ability to magnetically sequester a host of these different modules to the bottom of your glass-top desk, gift you access to system information, hot keys, and other such goodies tailored to your own needs. Razer provides example layouts for The Gamer, The Creator, The Streamer, and The WFH, each with different setups for their individual perceived tastes.

I'll be square, I father't really visualize the need for most of these modules, I mean I very don't penury to see exactly what speed away CPU and GPU are running at 24/7. If I did, then the CRT screen on pinch of my NZXT Kraken cooler would be displaying that rather than the GIF of Holly from Red dwarf star that's currently looping in my rig.

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Razer Project Sophia gaming desk concept

(Image credit: Razer)

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Razer Project Sophia gaming desk concept

(Image credit: Razer)

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Razer Project Sophia gaming desk concept

(Image credit: Razer)

Sure, mayhap a streamer will want to admonisher the yield, and need touchscreen hot keys to switch between things without resorting to something soh sordid as a physical Loupedeck or Elgato Watercourse Deck—material buttons, how gauche—but a lot of these modules are needless distractions from the play primary result on-screen.

I tight, I don't deprivation to burn a thenar nonchalantly reaching for my shiner single to take a breather a hand on the cupful warmer module. Just I do wonder if you might be healthy to overclock it, turn it into some single-ring burner and cook egg along your screen background.

In that respect's also the fact that I would bet few of you have completely clear desktops. With all the different modules and displays on offer hardened into the lid of the Project Sophia construct, where's all this going to exist?

Dave's immaculate glass-top desk

My impeccable glass screen background with everything in its right base. (Image credit: Future)

I'm already propitious sufficient to have a gaming desk with a Microcomputer made-up into it, one with a glass top, too. Though mine's a hell of a lot chunkier as the Lian 51 DK04 houses full size Microcomputer components. And I can happily allow for stuff and nonsense cluttering up the top of it, though I do infer that mental image above wish probably give some mass nightmares.

But I still cannot help but truly want the Project Sophia desk for my own despite every last this.

Forget the 65-inch OLED screen IT has strapped to the close of IT (which lonesome adds to the massive-laptop-on-legs tasteful), the fact that it looks like the control console from a shadowy Section 31 ship in Star Trek substance my relentlessly nerdy side needs this in my life.

Unequal the tired Alienware concept products Dell's play fly showed off this week, Razer's never-to-be-released desktop whitethorn Be mostly superfluous in substantial terms, but IT in reality comes with the most important thing a concept design needs: desirability.

Soh yeah, do want.

Dave James

Dave has been gaming since the days of Zaxxon and Lady Bug on the Colecovision, and code books for the Commodore Vic 20 (Death Race 2000!). He built his first gaming PC at the tender age of 16, and at length finished bug-fixing the Cyrix-founded system around a year later. When he born it unfashionable of the window. He first started writing for Official PlayStation Magazine and Xbox World umpteen decades ago, then moved onto PC Format regular, so PC Gamer, TechRadar, and T3 among others. Immediately he's back, writing about the nightmarish graphics card grocery, CPUs with more cores than sense, play laptops hotter than the sun, and SSDs more capacious than a Cybertruck.


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